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莫斯科,ID 83844-1103



Email: mathstat@domestictunerz.com

Web: 数学与统计科学系


埃斯特万Hernandez-Vargas (项目总监)和 坦尼娅三浦 (合作研究者):NIH/NIGMS - R01: Novel Hybrid Computational Models to Disentangle Complex Immune Responses, $600,000, 2023-2026.

埃斯特万Hernandez-Vargas (项目主管):NSF LEAPS-MPS: Controllable sets for nonlinear switched models with applications to infectious diseases, $250,000, 2023-2025.

詹妮弗Johnson-Leung (Co-PI): CSDS - 网络安全项目基本原则, $290,000, 2023.

埃斯特万Hernandez-Vargas (子项目PI/项目负责人):NIH/NIGMS, COBRE资助,第二期; Multiscale Modeling for Preparedness against Contact-dependent Infectious Disease Transmission, $118.000, 2023-2024.

Audrey Fu (Co-PI): Center for Advanced Energy Studies - Idaho National Laboratory Collaboration Fund: Towards digital twin of geothermal engineering using multiphysics informed neural networks, $63,000, 2023.

史蒂夫·克朗 (Co-Lead): NIH supplement to 复杂相互作用建模中心 grant (PI: H. (Wichman), 2023-2024年直接支付87,784美元.

Audrey Fu (合作研究者):USDA NIFA基础与应用科学项目: Developing a novel liquid-phase plasma discharge technology for nonthermal and continuous milk processing, $590,000, 2022-2024.

Audrey Fu (高级人员):NSF - Science Education Framework for Developing a Cicular Bio-based Building Economy, $3,974,309, 2021-2026.

本Ridenhour (PI, UI子奖项): NIH - R24: Research to improve and standardize marmoset nutrition and dietary husbandry, $179,759, 2021-2025.

本Ridenhour (合作者):IMCI内部试点基金 利用废水预测农村社区COVID-19疫情, $118,000, 2021.

本Ridenhour (PI, UI子奖项): 狨猴衰老和健康寿命的微生物介导疗法, $431,630, 2020-2025.

克里斯Remien (项目总监)和 本Ridenhour (合作者):NIH NIGMS, COBRE II期 建模协作与创新研究所, 微生物相互作用的种群动态模型 (与PI Holly Wichman合作),10,999,566美元,2020-2025年.

Somantika达塔 (PI): Simons Foundation (Mathematics and Physical Science – Collaboration Grants for Mathematicians) - 框架理论在逼近和信号处理, $42,000, 2020-2025.

Frank Gao (研究员兼组长):NSF EPSCoR - Leveraging Big Data to Improve Prediction of Tick-Borne Disease Patterns and Dynamics (与马皮晓刚合作),5830709美元,2020-2024年.

Audrey Fu (子项目PI/项目负责人):NIH/NIGMS, COBRE资助,第二期 A causal network approach to understanding transcription and methylation in breast cancer (与PI Holly Wichman合作),45万美元,2020-2023年.

本Ridenhour (项目总监)和 詹妮弗Johnson-Leung (联合项目主任):NIH NIGMS, COBRE II期 《农村社区COVID-19建模补编 (与PI Holly Wichman合作),492,598美元,2020-2021年.

克里斯Remien (Co-PI): NSF - EAGER: Evaluating the feasibility of a transmissible vaccine within bat populations (with PI 斯科特Nuismer j·j·布尔(JJ Bull), 2020-2021年,56,420美元.

保罗Hohenlohe (Co-PI): U.S. Fish & 野生动物管理局- 哥伦比亚盆地侏儒兔基因监测恢复 (与PI LP Waits和Co-PI J Rachlow J合作),287,590美元,2019-2024年.

Frank Gao (PI):美国国家科学基金会,创意实验室 Collaborative Research: Integrating Physics and Generative Machine Learning Models for Inverse Materials Design, $312,016, 2019-2021.

保罗Hohenlohe (Co-PI): NSF Beacon - Who adapts faster: genomic and phenotypic change of males and females evolving under strong sexual selection (with PI K Fritzsche, PI M Ålund, (A·琼斯), $91,905, 2019-2020.

Michelle Wiest(生物统计学家):NIH(更新) IDeA Clinical and Translational Research - 基础设施网络(ctrin) (与PI Parvesh合作),20,300,000美元,2018-2023年.

克里斯Remien (主要人员):美国国防部高级研究计划局 Prediction of Spillover Potential and Interventional En Masse Animal Vaccination to Prevent Emerging Pathogen Threats in Current and Future Zones of US Military Operation (with Co-PIs: Peter Barry, UC Davis; Brian Bird, UC Davis; Michael Jarvis, The Vaccine Group (UK); 斯科特Nuismer2018 - 2022年,$1,730,879至UI.

Audrey Fu (子项目PI/项目负责人):NIH/NIGMS, COBRE资助,第一阶段 A causal network approach to understanding transcription and methylation in breast cancer (与PI Holly Wichman合作),19.9万美元,2018 - 2021年.

保罗Hohenlohe (协理):NWF进化生物学 协同研究:微地理适应的测试机制 (with PI CK Ghalambor, WC Funk, TB Ryder, TS Stillett), $1,053,606, 2018-2021.

本Ridenhour (联合负责人):USDA/NIFA - Tracking the spread of antibiotic resistance genes and plasmids in agricultural soils (与PI伊娃·托普和联合PI蒂博·斯托德合作),2018 - 2021年,50万美元.

保罗Hohenlohe (Co-PI): U.S. Fish & 野生动物管理局- 2018年恢复挑战:哥伦比亚盆地侏儒兔恢复 (with PI LP Waits, and Co-PI JLW Rachlow), $66,270 ($57,252 direct), 2018 - 2021.

克里斯Remien (项目主任):NIH NIGMS, COBRE一期 连接微生物种群的数学和统计模型, $272,639, 2018 – 2020.

保罗Hohenlohe (联合负责人):爱达荷州渔业局 & Game – Examining sibship reconstruction in gray wolves as a new approach for obtaining a minimum count of breeding packs in Idaho (with PI LP Waits, Co-PI D Ausband, and Co-PI CJ Conway), $8,318, 2018-2019.

保罗Hohenlohe (Co-PI):动物园协会 & Aquariums – 濒危哥伦比亚盆地侏儒兔的遗传监测 (与PI LP Waits合作),18,151美元,2018-2019年.

米歇尔·韦斯特(共同负责人):爱达荷州卫生和福利部 爱达荷州Rx意识运动评估 (与PI Brown合作),售价70,929美元.72, 2018.

保罗Hohenlohe (PI) and Erkan Buzbas(联合主持):NSF进化生物学 Using Experimental Population Genomics to Test Hypotheses and Develop Novel Analytical Tools, $700,000, 2017-2021.

保罗Hohenlohe (联合主持):NIH NIGMS - Evolution of transmission in Tasmanian devils and their infectious cancer (with PI AT Storfer, Co-PI ME Jones, and Co-PI H McCallum), $2,324,299, 2017-2021.

保罗Hohenlohe (Co-PI): USDA NIFA - 生态进化动力学在扩大生物防治剂中的作用 (with PI R Hufbauer, Co-Pi E Bitume, and Co-PI D Bean), $474, 884, 2017-2020.

保罗Hohenlohe (联合负责人):内华达州野生动物部 内华达鼩鼱的遗传物种鉴定 (包括PI LP Waits), 17,598美元,2017-2018年.

詹妮弗Johnson-Leung (PI): “Gear Up!“美光基金会的礼物, $5,000, 2017.

克里斯Remien (Co-PI): NSF - 合作研究:传染性疫苗的数学理论 (with PI 斯科特Nuismer 詹姆斯·布尔(James Bull), 2016-2020年,1,009,921美元.

David Yopp (PI)和 Rob Ely (Co-PI): NSF - 青少年数学可行性论证的纵向学习 (with Co-PI Anne Adams, Co-PI Chandra Lewis, and Co-PI Xin Wang), $2,999,640, 2016-2020 .

保罗Hohenlohe (Co-PI): U.S. Fish & 野生动物管理局- 侏儒兔遗传监测 (与PI LP Waits和Co-PI JLW Rachelow合作),2016-2019年,80,979美元.

Linh Nguyen (PI): NSF - 断层摄影数学, $155,971, 2016-2019.

保罗Hohenlohe (Co-PI): U.S. 地质调查- 红狼的分类和遗传特征研究 (with PI LP Waits, Co-PI JR Adams, and Co-PI KR Andrews), $23,585, 2016-2017.

Erkan Buzbas (联合主持):365滚球官网汪达尔思想项目 科学中可重复性的理论、实践和社会方面, $47,000, 2016 – 2017.

米歇尔·韦斯特(核心董事):NIGMS COBRE - 复杂相互作用建模中心 (与PI Holly Wichman合作),2015-2017年10,682,948美元.

克里斯Remien: Clinical Translational Research Infrastructure Network IDeA-CTR sub award for Mathematical Modeling - 对乙酰氨基酚致肝损伤的最终预后评估 $61,957, 2015-2016.

克里斯Remien (合作者):NIH NIGMS COBRE一期,CMCI试点基金 Modeling Variability in Persistence Induced from within by a Toxic Metabolite (with PI Christopher Marx and Co-PI Andreas Vasdekis), $89,997, 2015 – 2016.

Alex Woo (PI):西蒙斯基金会 围绕舒伯特几何的合作, $35,000, 2015-2020.

史蒂夫·克朗: nih / cobre 复杂相互作用建模中心, 1000万美元,2015-2020年(Holly Wichman担任PI,等).).

斯科特Nuismer (PI), Paul Joyce (Co-PI): NSF - 推断协同进化强度的贝叶斯方法 $251,000, 2015-2018.

保罗Hohenlohe (高级人员):美国国家科学基金会进化生物学 A comparative phylogeographic approach to predicting cryptic diversity – the inland temperate rainforest as a model system (与PI J Sullivan、Co-PI D Tank和Co-PI B Carstens合作),售价909美元.796, 2015-2018.

保罗Hohenlohe (PI): IBEST Pilot Grant - 炎症和癌症遗传的新系统, $138,776, 2015-2017.

保罗Hohenlohe (Co-PI): IBEST Technology Access Grant - 绘制线虫的序列 (与PI BD Robison和Co-PI ML Settles合作),2015年,14966美元.

Audrey Fu (PI): NIH K99 -独立之路奖- Causal inference of gene regulatory networks with application to breast cancer, $816,000, 2014 – 2019.

Somantika达塔 (pi): NSF cif - 信号处理中的随机帧, $257,000, 2014-2017.

保罗Hohenlohe (PI): NSF进化生物学 论文研究:遗传相互作用在适应中的作用 (与Co-PI TD Hether合作),2014-2016年,18823美元.

Michelle Wiest (Co-PI):美国国立卫生研究院西部山区研究联盟 年轻、超重和肥胖成年人的运动和创造性蛋白质 (与PI Vella合作),82,000美元,2014-2015年.

Lyudmyla Barannyk (共同创办人):默多克慈善信托基金 Acquisition of an Adaptive Computation Server for Support of STEM Research (与PI Jim Alves-Foss等人合作.), $240,000, 2014 – 2015.

米歇尔·韦斯特(PI):美国地质勘探局 管理社会科学数据的最佳实践和方法, $59,473, 2014-2015.

保罗Hohenlohe (Co-PI): NSF EEID - Emergence, transmission, and evolution of Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease (with PI A Storfer, Co-PI M Jones, Co-PI H McCallum, and Co-PI EP Murchison), $2,250,000, 2013-2017.

Erkan Buzbas (PI):365滚球官网种子基金 Simulation-based statistical methods for reconstructing the history of hybrid human populations, $9559, 2013 – 2014.

Alex Woo (pi): nsa - 广义旗变的组合学与几何, $39,000, 2013 – 2015.

David Yopp (PI): NSF - 学习代数与证明方法(LAMP), $371,000, 2013-2016.

Lyudmyla Barannyk (Co-PI):美国地质调查局 Dynamic modeling of rule curve reservoir operations under stochastic climate conditions (with PI L. Elbakidze等.), $14,000, 2013 – 2014.

Michelle Wiest (Co-PI):美国国立卫生研究院西部山区研究联盟 Effectiveness of Child Centered Nutrition Phrases to Improve Food Behaviors (与PI Ramsay合作),2013-2014年,5.4万美元.

保罗Hohenlohe (PI): Floragenex, Inc. – 北美裂谷热病媒介的种群遗传学, $25,000, 2013-2014.

Lyudmyla Barannyk (Co-PI): IGEM - High Speed Digital Package Measurement and Modeling for Next Generation Memory Modules (与PI Fred Barlow等人合作.), $150,000, 2013.

Lyudmyla Barannyk (PI): UI研究奖学金- 微米力学建模, $3,500, 2013.

Frank Gao (PI):西蒙斯基金会 随机过程的持久性, $35,000, 2012-2017.

Michelle Wiest (Biostatistician): NIH IDeA Clinical and Translational Research – 基础设施网络(ctrin) (与PI Larson合作),20130万美元,2012-2017.

Linh Nguyen (PI): NSF - 热声和光声层析成像的数学, $104,000, 2012-2016.

Lyudmyla Barannyk (Co-PI): NSF - Acquisition of an Adaptive Computation Server for Support of STEM Research at the University of Idaho (与PI Jim Alves-Foss等人合作.), $300,000, 2012-2015.

保罗Hohenlohe (Co-PI): NSF BEACON - 多维适应和物种形成的遗传结构 (with PI J Boughman, Co-PI EB Rosenblum, and Co-PI LJ Harmon), $187,255, 2012-2014.

David Yopp (PI):蒙大拿州立大学 考试数学辅导, $126,000, 2012 – 2014.

保罗Hohenlohe (pi): NSF信标 物种形成基因组岛的实验进化模型 (与Co-PI BL Williams合作),2012-2014年,85,193美元.

米歇尔·威斯特(PI):爱达荷州电力公司 Monitoring fall Chinook salmon spawning in the Snake and Clearwater Rivers, 2012-2013年,奖金23,427美元.

Lyudmyla Barannyk (PI): UI研究奖学金- 微米力学建模, $3,500, 2012.

Rob Ely (Co-PI), 詹妮弗Johnson-Leung (Co-PI): NSF - 明确数学推理(与PI Libby Knott合作),2011-2016年,500万美元.

Paul Joyce (pi): nih - 适应性进化模式 (与霍利·威赫曼和克雷格·米勒合作),1美元.2011-2016年100万.

詹妮弗Johnson-Leung (PI):美国国家安全局,青年调查员奖- Special Values of L-functions and Motivic Elements for Abelian Surfaces with Complex Multiplication, $30,000, 2011 – 2013.



莫斯科,ID 83844-1103



Email: mathstat@domestictunerz.com

Web: 数学与统计科学系